Thursday, November 11, 2010

Where in the World is Nick Noblett?

As some of you might have noticed, it has been almost two months since my last blog post.  That makes me, well, a terrible blogger.  It seems like now is a good time to rise from the ashes and let the world know where I've been and what I've done in the past six weeks or so.

The reason that I dropped off the map for a bit is because I was struggling with my career path and the decisions I had made for myself.  I realized that, for a number of reasons, life as a career mathematician was probably not for me.  Don't get me wrong:  I still absolutely love everything about mathematics.  I realized that the component I loved the most about it was the personal interactions I had with the undergraduate students.  Helping them learn to love and appreciate math more and more everyday...this is the type of thing that motivated me to go to UA every day.  Therefore, I am currently on a mission to enter a special program for math education certification.  More to come on that another day.

In the meantime, I have taken on a second job at the Apple Retail Store in Albany as a means for income in the interim period to help pay the bills.  My first day of training is tomorrow, and I am looking forward to starting a job where I can be a geek and get to show people amazing stuff and see them walk out the door with smiles on their faces.  Oh, and I did I mention the fact that I get to wear jeans?

I have continued my CrossFit journey through this process and my progress has been relatively steady.  After going home for a week to watch my sister and being in a pseudo-depression about my future, I kind of fell of the Paleo-Zone bandwagon for about two weeks, and it showed in both my workouts and a few areas in my health.  Since getting back on Paleo I have gotten a clearer face, more healthy "digestive processes," and have had clearer thinking throughout the day.

A few PR's that I've hit in the meantime have included:

500m row:  1:38
1RM Ground to Overhead:  165#

I'm sure I've hit more, but I just can't think of them off the top of my head.  A few sucks that I plan on working on over the next few weeks include:

Ring dips -- no bands
Strict pullups
Hang Power Cleans

I've committed to running the Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving in Troy, NY.  Anyone want in?  Let me know!  Thanks to all of my friends and family for being understanding in this period of transition for me.  I appreciate all the help and support out there.  Later, skaters!


  1. Nick
    Your so into the crossFit thing Have you thought about becoming certified? It might be something to consider too

  2. It's something that is most certainly possible, but I don't see myself getting certified until I meet a few more milestones. It would probably be at least a year out, if not more.
