Back to the grind.
It's been really nice getting back to work and making money. After having so many days off and such a terrible cash flow, I am comforted to know what my schedule looks like for the next week or two. The people I work with are fun to be around, and so it seems that the next few months should fly by, which is great. Along with that, my nutrition has improved, and I'm almost ready to start Zoning again. All in all...I'M BACK, BABY!
Today at ACF we did some Clean and Jerk combined with some burpees.
WOD: Monday 11/15
12 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
10 Clean and Jerk (115#)
15 Burpees
This WOD was a lot of fun today. I woke up late and groggy for my class, but eating pre-WOD was definitely worth it. I don't know if I would have survived on an empty stomach. The weight was certainly manageable and I only started to struggle toward the last minute or two. I did 3+9 (three rounds plus 9 reps of clean and jerk), so I felt like I was par with the rest of the class.
MATH COMMENT: A few workouts ago we practiced pullups and burpees and the workout said 10! (ten factorial) of pullups and burpees. I realized, using my math "skillz" that 10! is a HUGE number. To be exact, 10! = 3,628,800. I'm sorry, but I would never do that many burpees. To be more correct, it is really a "triangular" number of pullups/burpees, starting at 10 and descending. How many reps did we actually do? Here's another fun fact. To add from 1 to n, where n is any positive integer, the answer will always be n * (n+1) / 2. Thus, we did 55 of each movement. Much more manageable for an "after party" workout.
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