Monday, September 20, 2010

Objects at Rest

Time is a parameter we often don't compensate enough for.

I know that sometimes I, in particular, schedule meetings and events very tightly with one another.  Sometimes too tight.  I realized that this past week was no exception, and between going to class, studying, dialing in my nutrition by preparing meals well in advance, going to ACF, working shows at the Palace, and visiting with friends I hadn't seen in was more than enough for me to handle.  By Friday, after 4 days of rushing and squeezing every ounce of energy out, missing on sleep and almost having my first puke session post-WOD, I was exhausted.  It was a busy day, and I hadn't drank enough water.  And then it was time to face "Elizabeth."

WOD 9/17/2010:  "Elizabeth"


Squat Clean (75 lb, scaled)
Ring Dips (with red band)

It was a disaster.  My time was 16:19, definitely making me last to finish in my class.  Luckily, Dean and Ian kept me on task and got through it, but it was more than that.  My body was tired and exhausted.  My lower back wasn't locking in place and my form was horrible.  My original weight for the squat cleans was 95lbs, but I had to scale down even more to 75lbs to get through it.  Even worse:  today, my shoulders still hurt from the ring dips...that I did on Friday.

It's really important to give our bodies enough time to rest.  I thought taking a day off from CrossFit on Thursday was enough to get my body back in the game, but Friday's Elizabeth told me otherwise.  I knew I wouldn't have time to catch up on sleep Friday night or Saturday, but Sunday I came home from Boston and crashed for 5.5 hours, ate dinner and ran some errands, and slept for 7 more.  I finally feel relaxed and well-rested, and I think with Paleo-Zone and an extra day off from ACF today (with some foam rolling and stretching, of course) I will be ready for both school and WOD tomorrow.

If N(x) was my position, then N'(x) would be my velocity.  And I'm definitely setting N'(x) = 0 for a bit.

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